Welcome Dr. Yuan Chu, scientific editor of Elsevier's Cell Biomaterials Journal, to visit our group
At the invitation of Prof. Dong-Sheng Guo of the research group, Dr. Yuan Chu, scientific editor of the journal Cell Biomaterials of Cell Press in Elsevier, visited the College of Chemistry, Nankai University on the morning of Feb. 21th to deliver an academic lecture on "Key editorial tips for publishing with Cell Press". Dr. Chu Yan firstly introduced the development of Cell Press to our group, and then summarized the precautions and suggestions for academic paper writing and submission process from the perspective of a journal editor. Prof. Kang Cai and his research team members, A.P. Yue Li, visiting scholar Prof. Liqing Zheng, postdoctoral fellows Dr. Yu-Chen Pan, and Dr. Fang-Yuan Chen participated in the discussion.